You have a lot of version control repositories. Sometimes you want to update them all at once. Or push out all your local changes. You use special command lines in some repositories to implement specific workflows. Myrepos provides a mr command, which is a tool to manage all your version control repositories.

getting started

All you need to get started is some already checked out repos. These could be using git, or bzr, mercurial or darcs, or many other version control systems. Doesn't matter, they're all supported!

Inside each of your repositories, run mr register. That sets up a ~/.mrconfig file listing your repositories.

Now you can run mr update in your home directory, and it'll update every one of your repositories that you've registered with myrepos.

Want to update repositories in parallel? mr -j5 update will run 5 concurrent jobs!

If you run mr update inside a repository, it'll only act on that repository. In general, any mr command runs recursively over any repository located somewhere in or under the current directory.

You can also run mr commit, mr push, mr status, mr diff, and a lot of other commands. These work no matter which version control system is used for a repository. Of course, you can still use the native version control commands too.

Oh, and you can abbreviate any command to any unambiguous abbreviation. mr up, mr pu, etc.

Now, maybe you find that you always want to update one repository using git pull --rebase, instead of the default git pull that mr update runs. No problem: The ~/.mrconfig file makes it easy to override the command run for any repository. It's like a Makefile for repositories.

checkout =
update = git pull --rebase

You can make up your own commands too:

# This repository has an upstream, which I've forked;
# set up a remote on checkout.
checkout =
    git clone
    cd bar
    git remote add upstream
# make `mr zap` integrate from upstream
zap =
    git pull upstream
    git merge upstream/master
    git push origin master

You can even define commands globally, so mr can use them in all repositories.

# Teach mr how to `mr gc` in git repos.
git_gc = git gc "$@"

This only scratches the surface of the ways you can use myrepos to automate and manage your repositories!

Some more examples of things it can do include:

  • Update a repository no more frequently than once every twelve hours.
  • Run an arbitrary command before committing to a repository.
  • Remember actions that failed due to a laptop being offline, so they can be retried when it comes back online.
  • Combine several related repositories into a single logical repository, with its own top-level .mrconfig file that lists them and can be chain loaded from ~/.mrconfig.
  • Manage your whole home directory in version control. (See VCS-Home)


  • drupal: simple way to manage drupal websites
  • freeze: record and restore VCS revision details
  • github2mr: add your github repos to myrepos

related software

  • garden: manage git project dependencies and worktrees, custom commands
  • gfold: lists status of multiple repositories, readonly, config file, rust
  • ghq: manage remote repository clones
  • git-plus multi: run commands in multiple git repos
  • git-repo-manager: manage worktrees, automatic listing from forges
  • git-repo-updater gitup: update multiple git repos at once
  • git-workspaces: set upstreams, parallel fetch
  • gita: manage multiple git repos
  • gitbatch: manage multiple git repos in one place
  • go-vcs: version control repository management for Golang
  • gws: workspace management, fetch, clone, status support, odd file format
  • kas: bitbake repository management tool
  • mgitstatus: show status in multiple git repos
  • mani: manage multiple repositories, tasks, tags, YAML config, golang
  • run commands, commits, , register, filters, GUI, rust
  • multi-gitter: run command and commit, manipulates pull requests, YAML config, tightly bound to forges (GitHub, GitLab, Gitea)
  • mu-repo: help working with multiple git repos
  • repo: git repository management tool
  • rosinstall: source code workspace management tool
  • silver-platter: make automated changes in different version control repositories
  • uncommitted: find uncommitted changes in VCS directories
  • v: version control subcommand wrapper
  • VCS: a wrapper for version control systems
  • vcs-repo-mgr: version control repository manager
  • vcstool: work with multiple repositories
  • vcstools: Python API wrapping version control systems
  • wstool: maintain workspace of projects from multiple VCSes


Posted Thu Apr 23 23:02:18 2020 by pabs
version 1.20180726
Posted Thu Jul 26 06:15:25 2018
version 1.20171231
Posted Wed Feb 7 09:06:24 2018
version 1.20170129
Posted Sun Jan 29 18:15:47 2017